Healthy Body

The body is programmed for health. Illness can be categorised into two types: infectious or chronic. External invasion of microbes leading to infections can most effectively be treated through the conventional or naturopathic antimicrobial systems. More than 70% of ailments are self created within you. These are chronic ailments such as heart conditions, depression, diabetes, obesity, cancer and so on.

Healthy Body is the second book – an anthology limited to twelve non-competing professionals, each using their specific expertise to approach the challenge of creating and maintaining a healthy body.

We, the Women of Inspiration, hope you learn, laugh and are inspired here, every day


Vanita has co-authored in one of the book series entitled Health Conscious, with each book in the series intending to explore a different aspect of health – from the obvious physical and psychological standpoints, to an exploration of cultural and environmental contributors and their impact on our everyday lives.

The body is programmed for health. Illness can be categorised into two types: infectious or chronic. External invasion of microbes leading to infections can most effectively be treated through the conventional or naturopathic antimicrobial systems. More than 70% of ailments are self created within you. These are chronic ailments such as heart conditions, depression, diabetes, obesity, cancer and so on.

Healthy Body is the second book – an anthology limited to twelve non-competing professionals, each using their specific expertise to approach the challenge of creating and maintaining a healthy body.

Foreword written by Carol Cooke AM, a multiple sclerosis sufferer, has gone on to embrace the changes in her life and take on new challenges that people half her age wouldn’t even want to try.

She’s gone on to win Paralympic gold and become a world champion.

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