Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

by Vanita Dahia


Daily routines that can improve your health dramatically

Allocation of about 15 minutes in the morning to perform the daily routines can make a profound difference to your health, energy and mood.

Upon rising, perform

Oil pulling with tongue scraping

Apple cider vinegar and lemon drink

Breathing exercises – pranayama

Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

In a mug of hot water, add the juice of half of the lemon and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. To lighten your early morning load, prepare your ACV an lemon in an ice tray and freeze. Upon rising, remove an ice block of your

Following oil pooling and tongue scraping, consume a mug of apple cider vinegar and lemon water. Rinse the mouth with water after consuming this drink.

This recipe can be varied by the addition of honey, cayenne pepper and increasing the amount of apple cider vinegar to one tablespoon daily in the drink.

Apple cider vinegar contains minerals, vitamins and enzymes that has many health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to boost bile production and assist in clearance of cholesterol.

Benefits of this mixture

  • wakes up digestive juices
  • clears the digestive tract after fasting overnight
  • alkalinises is the system and balances the pH
  • is a sore throat
  • reduces bloating and fluid retention
  • boosts energy
  • assists with digestions and bowel movements
  • assists with acid reflux and heartburn
  • increases metabolism
  • reduces water retention


Isn’t lemon juice acidic? How can it alkalinize the body?

Upon entering the stomach, citric acid from lemon juice or lactic acid from cultured dairy or any of the weak acids stimulates the vagus nerve, which in turn causes release of secretin signaling the pancreas to release sodium bicarbonate and a number of other alkaline juices into the small intestine, and very importantly volumes of protease enzyme.

We do know that these alkaline buffers will overwhelm the acid you just presented and the excess gets absorbed into the blood stream. Lemon juice itself then undergoes esterification, so that by the time it reaches the small intestine it arrives as potassium citrate.

Together, the newly formed potassium citrate from lemon juice and sodium bicarbonate from the pancreas provide the ideal environment for the friendly, lactic acid-producing bacteria.

Any excess enters the lymph and ultimately serves to alkalinize the urine and saliva, as well as the whole body. All lacto-fermented foods will behave similarly. Use less lemon juice if you have gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Contact us for further information.



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