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Understanding Female Hormones

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45 students

Alchemy of Health Webinar Series – Understanding Female Hormones

Women experience hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives as they transition from puberty and fertility to menopause. Sex hormones affect mood.

Why is it Important?

Fluctuating hormones drive conditions like PMS, PMDD and menopausal hot flushes. There are many clinical challenges affected by fluctuating gonadal hormones like estrogens and progesterone.

When hormones are in balance, a woman can feel energised and emotionally stable.

Learning Outcomes

In this webinar, you will learn:

✔ Travel through the cascade of hormones in a cycle

✔ What does it mean to have low of high levels of hormones

✔ How progesterone and estrogens orchestrate with androgens in vitality, sexual health,      mood and wellbeing.

✔ Complex female hormonal conditions like PCOS, endometriosis and fibroids

✔ Bring hormones into harmony with natural medicine and pharmaceutical management strategies


Video – Understanding Female Hormones

Presentation Slides – Understanding Female Hormones

Certificate of Attendance

This offering provides CPD continuing professional development credits. Certificate of Attendance is available upon request.

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Vanita Dahia

Vanita Dahia - Integrative Medicine Expert, Pharmacist, Naturopath and Author of Alchemy of the Mind and Alchemy of Amino Acids
You may book a free 10 minute discovery call to see if Vanita is the right fit for you in your health needs or book an initial consultation
See more about Vanita at Vanita understands your health needs, past and family history, your prescription and natural supplements, diet, lifestyle and exercise. She will find the pieces of the puzzle that might be missing. It may require performing lab tests or completing a questionnaire. She will start managing the main health concerns naturally. Once tests results become available, she will identify biochemical imbalances and map out a staged treatment plan. Treatment may include custom tailored compound formula or evidence based natural treatments. She may refer to your doctor oe allied health practitioners if needed.
Yes. It is on the Course Overview page.
Absolutely! Quick questions are welcome at any time - just email
Vanita Dahia is happy to provide a Certificate of Completion for sharing with relevant professional associations or enterprises, but whether or not it qualifies as professional development is at the discretion of the association or enterprise, so please check with them first.
Alchemy of Health webinars are held on the first Monday of each month free of charge and is available for 48 hours with my complements, after which the course is available in courses at an affordable rate. Discounts apply to multiple purchase of courses. Please contact Vanita at
Yes, please see link in course overview page for access to presentation slides.


  • Your desire to learn more about the Integrative Medicine approach to the topic
  • Willing to watch and listen to all of the content
  • Be interactive and ask questions pertaining to the topic


  • Understand why it is important to learn about the topic
  • Physiology of the body in relation to the topic
  • How to assess the condition or symptoms
  • Understanding what the lab results mean
  • How to manage with pharmaceutical and natural medicine treatment
  • Where to find more information
  • Consult with Vanita

Target audiences

  • Anyone who wants to make informed choices with their health
  • Consumers, patients, family and friends interested in the topic
  • Health practitioners, pharmacists, herbalists, naturopaths, doctors
  • Not-for-profit Collectives, Groups and Enterprises
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