Dietary Guidelines for Yeast Control

This diet is useful for Candida sufferers. A yeast-free diet eliminates carbohydrates and most kinds of sugar, as both of those food groups have been linked to the production of candida in your body to eliminate candida’s food source.

Two common dietary approaches for yeast control:

  • Focuses on: Eliminating foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which some believe can feed Candida albicans, a type of fungus naturally present in the body. Proponents of the diet suggest that Candida overgrowth can contribute to various health problems, although strong scientific evidence is lacking.
  • Foods to limit: Sugary drinks and foods, refined grains (white bread, pasta, pastries), starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn), fruits high in sugar (bananas, grapes, mangoes), fermented foods (initially, some reintroduce later), alcohol, and certain dairy products
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