Mauve Factor Questionnaire

by Biopractica

The Mauve Factor, also known as Kryptopyrroles, refers to a condition where the body excretes excessive amounts of pyrroles in the urine. Pyrroles are compounds that bind to and deplete essential nutrients like vitamin B6 and zinc, leading to a cascade of potential health issues. These can include mood disorders (like anxiety and depression), neurological problems (such as poor memory and concentration), skin issues (like eczema and pale skin), and digestive problems.

Why Assess?

  • Identify potential nutrient deficiencies associated with mental health conditions
  • Guide personalized treatment with targeted nutrients
  • Gain insights into the impact of mauve factor on mood disorders, neurological problems, and skin conditions


Mauve Factor Questionnaire

by Biopractica

The Mauve Factor, also known as Kryptopyrroles, refers to a condition where the body excretes excessive amounts of pyrroles in the urine. Pyrroles are compounds that bind to and deplete essential nutrients like vitamin B6 and zinc, leading to a cascade of potential health issues. These can include mood disorders (like anxiety and depression), neurological problems (such as poor memory and concentration), skin issues (like eczema and pale skin), and digestive problems.

Why Assess?

  • Identify potential nutrient deficiencies associated with mental health conditions
  • Guide personalized treatment with targeted nutrients
  • Gain insights into the impact of mauve factor on mood disorders, neurological problems, and skin conditions

This questionnaire is designed to be used as a guide to help you identify potential health concerns and does not constitute a diagnosis or medical advice. I would advise that you discuss the results of this questionnaire with us to assist you in your health journey.

For further evaluation, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us (free 10 minute discovery call) to find the root causes of your health concerns with prioritisation and identification of appropriate lab tests.

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