Ayurvedic Diet Recipes

The Ayurvedic diet is an ancient dietary practice that originated in India thousands of years ago.

The Ayurvedic diet is an ancient dietary approach based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Indian system of medicine dating back thousands of years. It focuses on balancing your unique mind-body constitution – known as your dosha – through food choices. It’s not just about what you eat, but also how and when you eat.

It is based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic system of healing that views the body as a complex balance of three energies, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ayurveda Diet Recipes consists of:

  • Agni Tea
  • Chai Tea
  • Churna Recipe
  • Kitchari Recipe
  • Medhi Pak Recipe
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