Vanita Dahia is available for online and in person speaking events as an key note speaker, educator, workshop facilitator and developer.
Vanita specializes in speaking about
- Integrative Medicine
- Compounding Pharmacy
- Functional Pathology
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Natural and Herbal Medicine
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
Delivering integrative medicine in a practical and clinically relevant manner allowing you to implement strategies right away.
Detailed in biochemistry, physiology and anatomy for an in-depth study of a topic.
Vanita Dahia is a well recognised speaker, presenter and mentor at National and International industry events, peer education bodies and the community at large.
I have spoken and taught thousands of delegates world-wide in English and Japanese (with translators) with great reviews. I am the Lead Clinical Educator for NutriPath Pathology Services nationally and internationally. I am regularly invited as a key note speaker, workshop coordinator and mentor.
Keynote speaker repertoire
I have prepared bespoke presentations for a range of audiences including a wide audience of health practitioners – doctors, pharmacists, naturopaths, nutritionists and allied health practitioners, not-for-profit organisations, health focus community groups, Pharmacy Society of Australia, the public community and clients.
Featured Guest Speaking
- Vanita speaks at Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
- Vanita speaks at Nutrisearch, New Zealand
- Vanita speaks at Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
- Vanita speaks at National Institute of Integrative Medicine
- Vanita speaks at International Events
- Vanita speaks at Community Health Support Groups
- Vanita speaks at Optimal Rx
- Vanita speaks at Industry Events
- Vanita in Podcasts and Media Presentations
Vanita is an educator, presenter, podcaster and workshop facilitator at: