Test for Autism, ASD, ADHD

Test for Autism, ASD, ADHD

Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 30 to 61 percent of children with autism.

Mental health conditions in children, and increasingly in adults have many underlying drivers ranging from the gut microbial diversity, nutrient deficiency, neurotransmitter imbalance to genetic variability.

The Pfeiffer Profile is a combination of core nutritional elements that make up a comprehensive biochemical assessment to monitor and evaluate disorders such as ADD, ADHD, Autism, learning disorder, mental disorders, and general well-being.

Neurotransmitter assessment identifies the balance of excitatory to inhibitory brain chemicals.

Test for Autism, ASD, ADHD

Find the underlying drivers of behavioural and neurological disturbances associated with Autism, ASD, ADHD

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